Advisory Committees


Resource Advisory Committees (RAC)

The purposes of the Secure Rural Schools Act include making investments and creating employment opportunities by prioritizing and implementing projects that improve the maintenance of existing infrastructure, implementing forest stewardship objectives, and restoring and improving land health and water quality. Members of the RAC will review projects proposed under SRS Title II by participating counties, and coordinate with the Forest Service in recommending Title II projects. RAC members also provide opportunities for other interested parties to participate in developing Title II projects, monitor project implementation, and make recommendations for project adjustments or changes as needed. Secure Rural Schools Program Information


  • Become a Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) Member

    A photo of nine arms and hands raised. Below the photo states: Become a Resource Advisory Committee (RAC) Member.

    The Custer Gallatin National Forest is looking for volunteers to serve on one of our two Resource Advisory Committees (RACs). The Forest is recruiting to fill vacancies on the Gallatin RAC and vacancies on the Southern Montana RAC. Membership terms last 4 years. The Gallatin RAC covers Gallatin County and the Southern Montana RAC covers Park, Sweet Grass, Stillwater, and Powder River counties.




Contact Information:

Southern Montana & Gallatin RAC Coordinators
Kat Barker 
3710 Fallon Street Suite C
Bozeman, MT 59718, 406-522-2536
Timothy Schumacher
805 Scott St - PO Box 5
Gardiner, MT 59030, 406-848-7375 ext. 31